Rural Life Training
A wise man learns from other peoples mistakes.
An average man learns from his own mistakes.
A fool never learns!

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal
We come to you!
​​Ok, so you have now bought your own piece of paradise down a long dirt track, in the middle of a forest in deepest Portugal. Now what?Most of us who make the move to the country arrive with plenty of energy and a stack of books to guide us in our new lives. Many of us realise at some point how under prepared we are and how desperately we need further skills, or a helping hand.
This is where our rural life training comes into play.
Nothing we have to teach you can’t be found in self-help books or on the internet, but what we can offer you is the benefit of our own experience and the advantage of the training taking place on your own property. When you need to know how to kill your own chicken, u-tube will only take you so far. After several years in central Portugal and a lifetime of living in the African bush with rural communities, nothing we teach we have not done ourselves.Many of the skills we have are not just of use on the farm. A lot of the people we know have life changing experience’s and often end up alone, doing the work of two people with the skills of one. How would you know how to change the tire of a car or use a chainsaw if no one has ever shown you? In your other life that may have not been something you needed to know, but now it could be useful.With Rural Life Training we hope to be able to provide you with the skills to keep your dream alive.
We want you to make your own choice of what skills you want learn, so that you get the most out of our time with you.
Each module will take 2 hours, some will be practical and others just a discussion taking you to the point that you can do it yourself.Depending on the module a maximum of two people per session is advised.If you want to split into ‘Pink jobs’ and ‘Blue jobs’ we can do that too, while the men are cooking in solar ovens the ladies can be out using chainsaws, or vice versa.
Contact us for more information.

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal

Rural Life Training Workshops Central Portugal
Select from any of the modules below:
Traditional wood oven cooking
Solar oven cooking
Solar oven making
Rocket stove for cooking
Hay box (for cooking) building and use
Chainsaw maintenance and use
Strimmer maintenance and use
Building a hot water heater
Alternative water pumping
Chicken rearing and slaughtering
Pig rearing
Pig slaughter preparation
Rabbit rearing and slaughter
Olive tree pruning
Olive picking preparation
Curing / pressing your olives
Off grid refrigeration
Bacon making
Meat curing and smoking
Making a fish/meat smoker

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